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Product description

When you stand on the CV9 Vibration machine platform it produces vertical vibrations. The energy of the Vibration plate is safely and effectively transferred to your body. Our body reacts to the natural stimulus with an involuntary reflex muscle contraction.
Depending on the speed, muscles will contract up to 12 times per second. There are many Vibration exercises that can give you different benefits, but what’s most important is… 
The Vibration Machine provides a unique way to exercise your body with minimum exertion. Exercise is designed to increase circulation. Increased circulation increases blood flow to joints and muscles.

Product Highlights

  • Boost Your Circulation
  • Aid Weight Loss
  • Prevent Osteoporosis
  • Improve and Reduce Incontinence
  • Reduce Cellulite
  • Turn Back Time
  • Firm and Tone Your Body
  • Increase flexibility
  • Enhance lymph drainage
  • Increase muscle strength – work ALL
  • muscles at once!


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Key Features

Remote Control

Seamless control over every position at your fingertips.

Resistance Straps

Adaptable to all heights and strengths so your body’s resistance can be used to its maximum advantage.

Body Fat Calculator

Keep an eye on your body fat percentage so you can adjust your training and fast track your fitness goals!

user reviews

become part of the movement?

This is your chance to look and feel amazing in your own skin,
and get rid of your extra weight – for good!

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